April 27, 2008

Yellow Rose of Texas Doily

Here is my Yellow Rose of Texas Doily that I ordered from http://www.anniesattic.com/. I finished it in 2 days! I love this thing, it was reasonably easy and is absolutely lovely. I can see this in many other colors!!! I did do a picot edging rather than just the chain stitch it called for and it ended up at 18" instead of 16". The kit contains enough yarn for two of them!!! YEAH.


  1. This is so pretty Micki! All your work is very nice, and you've given me good ideas for my new blog! I think I 'll put in more info on techniques used etc. Thanks!

  2. Micki, this is so pretty. I know you from The Gathering Room and I hadn't visited your blog for a while. Lots going on here!! Congrats with the knitting. Keep it up!! You're doing great :)

    Kathy in FL

  3. I made the same one years ago for my sister in law. the Pattern got ripped and then it got lost (to add insult to injury~!) Annie's attic no longer has this. Do you have any idea where I can find one? Thanks!

  4. I have been looking for this pattern and it is no longer available...My sister lives in Texas, I'm in Maine. I would love to make this for her for Xmas.....would you be so kind as to scan the pattern for me so I can have a copy? I would be so grateful. Thanking you in Advance. You can reach me at: wrks4me333@yahoo.com


  5. I requested the possibility of getting a copy of the above pattern just a hour or so ago...it's no longer available from Annie's attic.. I gave you the wrong e-mail. It should be: leprrrrd3@yahoo.com


  6. I would also like to have a copy of this pattern. Thank you so much!!' mcclunggail@yahoo.com


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