May 14, 2008

Mile a Minute Bath Set

I finally got to work on the Mile a Minute Bath Set!!! Turned out lovely I think. Working on the hanging tissue holder now and am going to make a contour rug for the toilet too (there is no pattern for that though). The pattern is from Annies Attic called Mile-a-Minute Bath Set. We got the book on eBay.


  1. hi micki thats so neat looking congrats on finishing ur so talented...katie

  2. That's so awesome! where'd u find the pattern for that? I love it.

  3. That's so awesome! where'd u find the pattern for that? I love it.

  4. I'd like to find the patten too, if you've a mind to pass it along. I'd like to adapt it to put seashells in the center.


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